One Community Welcomes New Consultant Charles McLean to the Sustainable Infrastructure Team
One Community is happy to welcome Charles McLean to the consulting team working with us to evolve and complete the SEGO Center City Hub and our aquaponics/aquapini sustainable food systems designs. Charles is an Architectural BIM Designer, College Professor, Urban Agriculture Designer, and the owner of OM Greengroup. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Architecture, and a […]
The Open Source & Free-sharing Tropical Atrium Design Portal is Now Live
We are very happy to report that the open source project-launch blueprinting portal for the Tropical Atrium (click to visit) is now live! Along with the creation of this page detailing this component of the One Community sustainable infrastructure, we have also open sourced our back office notes and created a Collaborative Input for Infrastructure Page to make it easy […]
New Aquapini Drawings, Open Source Blog and Updates, SEGO Center City Hub Update, and More
Here’s our sustainable living communities open source project-launch blueprinting update for the week of 3/11 including updated aquaponics/aquapini drawings, the newest SEGO Center City Hub export, open source Education for Life updates, and more. Also our weekly blog update (first three minutes) and a 17 minute discussion about what is open source project-launch blueprinting, what do […]
Waldorf Curriculum Homeschool Resource Created
We are happy to report that the Waldorf page of the Education for Life program is now live, filled with the results of our Waldorf curriculum and homeschool resources research, and ready for input from anyone who’d like to contribute ideas to make it better. This page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Waldorf curriculum […]
Updates: Video Blog 2 | Open Source Education for Life | SEGO Center City Hub | Tropical Dome
Here is our second video blog covering the progress of the last week including progress to our open source Education for Life Program, the SEGO Center City Hub, and the Pod 1 facility that will produce tropical food and function as social space too. One very exciting development from last week that we forgot to mention in […]
Sustainable Lifestyles: SEGO Center and Tropical Dome Updates and Images
In our on-going open source project-launch blueprinting program to promote sustainable lifestyles and create and free-share everything people need to duplicate all aspects of One Community, we met with Douglas Simms Stenhouse (Architect and Water Color Artist) yesterday for 3 hours to pick up the library and loft redesign for the Social Dome (left) of the SEGO Center City Hub. […]
Video Update
This is our first One Community video blog update. If you like this form of update, please comment, like, and/or share it so we know. If the response is positive we will do more of these. If the response is really positive we will do one a week. OUR SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS Facebook Updates Page ● […]
Solution Based Thinking: SEGO Center Open Source City Hub Progress Update
The SEGO Center City Hub is solution based thinking approach to spreading sustainability and starting comprehensive sustainable communities, villages, and cities all over the world. This component of One Community as a duplicable teacher/demonstration community, village, and city model is purposed to provide an open source and replicable city center, demonstrate cutting-edge sustainability, to function as a community, village, or city recreation […]
New Family Application Guidelines are Complete!
One Community values the collaborative and cooperative environment created by working and living as a family and we feel extending the family spirit to include all members of One Community, and ultimately all members of the entire human organism, supports happier people and the creation of a better future for the planet. We see every […]
New One Community Pages Created
Along with all the infrastructure and education program progress, One Community has also been working hard to respond your feedback! Here are a couple of the newest pages we’ve created: The Importance of Financial Stability for One Community Pioneers and Our Global Goals Page: While it doesn’t cost anything to join or be a part of the One Community […]