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Waldorf Curriculum Homeschool Resource Created
We are happy to report that the Waldorf page of the Education for Life program is now live, filled with the results of our Waldorf curriculum and homeschool resources research, and ready for input from anyone who’d like to contribute ideas to make it better. This page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Waldorf curriculum […]
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Updates: Video Blog 2 | Open Source Education for Life | SEGO Center City Hub | Tropical Dome
Here is our second video blog covering the progress of the last week including progress to our open source Education for Life Program, the SEGO Center City Hub, and the Pod 1 facility that will produce tropical food and function as social space too. One very exciting development from last week that we forgot to mention in […]
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Free Education Resources and Open Source Sustainable Education Infrastructure
One Community has been working for months on an open source education program for lifelong learning and providing free education resources, tools, tutorials, and lesson plans to anyone with a computer. Our goal with this program is to maximize real-world options for all participants and prepare anyone who’d like to participate to be leaders and influential […]
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SEGO Center Integration of Natural Pond Pool, Eco Hot Tub, and Changing Rooms
The newly named SEGO Center continues to move forward extremely fast. Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer), Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of www.LoveYourPool.com), Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of KH Designs), and Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder of Leaf Landscape) have worked together to finalize the placement of the natural pond pool, eco hot tub, changing rooms, and […]
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Birth of the SEGO Center City Hub
The “Center of Peace” has evolved into the SEGO Center City Hub to represent the importance and function of this building in relation to our global change strategy, its relation to the 7 different sustainable village prototypes, and its intended purpose as a “launch point” for additional self-replicating sustainable teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities like One Community. S.E.G.O. Center Origin The name […]
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Renewable Energy or Alternative Energy: A Look at the Possibility of Vortex Energy Technologies
There are a broad diversity of people claiming to have created the next generation of renewable green energy and One Community, like many people and organizations, is skeptical and cautious when engaging this subject. The fact remains, however, that just one significant breakthrough in new renewable energy or alternative energy technology has the possibility to […]
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The Global Sustainability Collaborative – We are Happy and Excited to Lead!
As we’ve announced here before our sustainability non profit organization is A) intent upon leading a global sustainability collaborative and B) the grateful recipient of a $10,000 a month internet marketing grant. After over 6 months of preparation and research we launched this aspect of our marketing campaign three weeks ago. What we didn’t expect was the international response […]
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We’ve Open Source Shared our Non-profit 501(c)(3) Application!
We’re happy to announce that we have finally made the time to open source share our non profit application and experience of filing it! On our “How to Start a Non Profit Organization: Open Source Sharing What One Community Filed for Ours” page you will find the details of our filing as well as links to PDFs […]
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Center of Peace Eco-Hot Tub and Natural Pool Design Progress Update and Pictures
The SEGO Center City Hub will arguably be One Community’s most important buildings and is purposed to demonstrate cutting-edge sustainability, to function as the community recreation center, dining hall, and laundry facility, and to offer a green-luxury option to donors, major eco-investors, VIPs, or anyone else that might not feel like they are initially ready to […]
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Welcome Consultant Jennifer Engelmeier – Eco Spa and Pool Specialist
One Community is happy to welcome Jennifer Engelmeier, Eco-pool and Spa Specialist, to the One Community Consultant Team. Jennifer has 15 years of experience working with DEL Ozone, specializing in reducing chemicals by utilizing ozone technology and other natural water purifiers and clarifiers. In 2011 Jennifer started her own business to help people searching for better, healthier water […]