Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden Organically: Tips and Tricks from the Garden Wise TV Show
Meg West is the host of the quarterly sustainable landscaping program “Garden Wise” where in this second episode, “Dynamic Organics,” they focus on tips from the professionals to grow your own vegetable garden organically and in your own back yard. For more Garden Wise episodes subscribe to the SaveWaterSB YouTube channel. Garden Wise Episode 2: Dynamic […]
Vermiculture Composting Toilet Plans and How to Compost at Home
Incorporating vermiculture bins into our composting toilet plans is one way we see of building a compost bin into our human waste disposal plan. Doing this will take composting with worms indoors with a new eco friendly toilet we believe anyone will be able to duplicate. In our opinion, there are more and more people […]
Permaculture Principles at Work
Permaculture is a design science based on 3 simple ethics: care for the earth, care for people, and share the surplus. Erik Ohlsen from Permaculture Artisans teaches how to permaculture classes through Earth Activist Training (EAT). The goal of permaculture is to create sustainable systems that provide for human needs while regenerating the land around […]
Earthship Biotechture: The Food Producing Sustainable Home
Earthship biotecture was first created by Michael Reynolds from Taos, New Mexico in the 1970’s. This new model of green infrastructure uses recycled tires that are beat full of earth to create thick, solid walls for your home instead of wasting away in landfills. Rainwater is captured for all household use. Water from the sinks […]