Snatam Kaur: Long Time Sun – Thank You!
Every once in a while something comes along that touches a place deep inside you. For me, Snatam Kaur’s song “Long Time Sun” off the album “Grace” had this effect on me and I raised my son singing the song to him from the time he was born; but this blog isn’t about that. This blog is just to say “thank you” to Snatam Kaur and Sopurkh Singh (her husband) for allowing us to use their music on the homepage of the original One Community website long before this website ever existed.
As a big believer in the philosophy of sharing and open source collaboration to create the future we all know is possible, it has been an absolute joy to have Snatam’s music as a part of what we are creating and I firmly believe the pure energy and beauty of this song in particular captures the simple essence of what One Community is doing with its lyrics:
Ultimately what we believe we are creating is a model and guide for a new future and vision for happiness and abundance to help shine the light of human compassion, cooperation, and goodness from within each of us, for all of us. In so doing we purpose ourselves to be leaders and pioneers as we guide the global movement on towards the future we all know is possible.
Thank you Snatam and Sopurkh Singh again for what you have created and shared with One Community. I believe we would not be where we are without the infusion of love, energy and magic that your song provided to our original website and to me specifically in my journey to build this vision and blueprint for a better future for us all.
“LONG TIME SUN” played (again) with permission by SNATAM KAUR
May the Long Time Sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on
May the Long Time Sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on
These are beautiful people doing beautiful things!
Gaiacraft Permaculture
Gaiacraft is a group of dedicated individuals whose purpose is to bring natural permaculture and sustainablility back into the sphere of common knowledge. Formed in 2002, they have been teaching workshops, courses and full certification classes, bringing our world closer to its original symbiotic relationship with nature.
They recently introduced a comprehensive introductory workbook, called the Gaiacraft Permaculture Workbook, which is a combination of handouts from years of permaculture classes taught by Delvin Solkinson, one of the founders of Gaiacraft. This workbook is a veritable tomb of information on all aspects of permaculture from the conception philosophy to design tips for laying out your land.
Visionary portal SolPurpose recently sat down with Lunaya Shekina of Gaiacraft to speak about her feelings on permaculture and where permaculture is headed. She offers many insights into where the global permaculture initiative is headed and many free resources for learning about permaculture and sustainability.
See the full length feature at
Download the Gaiacraft Permaculture Workbook for Free!
LA Talk Radio Interview on One Community
Nanice Ellis of LA’s Talk Radio show “Chai with Nanice” interviewed Jae Sabol on March 5th, 2012 for an hour to discuss the transformation of the planet that is already happening, the concept of emotional wholeness as a component of sustainability, and how One Community can help as the open source blueprint for a sustainable civilization. This is the first time in history that what is being created could even be possible; people coming together and making a difference by demonstrating how we can live together for For The Highest Good of All Concerned – so we are.
Click this link to listen to the interview:
2065 In the Beginning by Krista Markowitz
Krista Markowitz is the author of 2065 In the Beginning, a story about life 30 years past a sudden blast of universal understanding that changed everything. People worldwide have dropped the money standard to join in living and learning Pods where food and energy are locally grown, resources are shared, and creativity is celebrated. Here is a letter she shared with us to share with you:
For years, perhaps much like you, I dreamed about peace coming to our planet. When I felt sad about all the conflict and disconnect on Earth I had several cozy pictures to crawl into. In one vignette, colorfully dressed people from all over the world are sharing delicious foods and conversation at a long table. (Can you hear their laughter?) And in another, a group of men, women and children are dancing in the streets at night in their formerly dangerous neighborhood.
But how, I wondered, can we move from the consciousness of fear, separateness and inequality that characterizes our current world to this place of Oneness? How would the structures have to change, and what would create that change? I had no answer.
Walking on a path by the ocean in August 2009, I had a waking vision. My gaze was drawn upward where three ribbons of light streaked across the sky, one above the other― blue, violet and white. Next I saw a woman’s hand with glowing fibers forming a web under her skin, and tiny lights of different colors blinking on and off. What was this? I began to sense this was something about the future.
A week later I heard a man’s voice in the center of my head. “This is a book, Krista. Do you want to do it?” I answered mentally “Sure, I do!” And almost immediately the playful and thought provoking story of Jeori and his friends living and learning in Art Pod in the years 2064 and 2065 began forming. I wrote quickly, unconcerned whether these visions contained truth.
Four months into writing I discovered this in Karen Bishop’s blog, Wings. (Google “Karen Bishop” for her current activities.)
January, 2010
We are beginning now, and will continue with this process, of coming together in like-minded pods, as we form small groups of individuals who resonate with each other, and who will in time, begin creating with each other, and will as well, support each other in sustaining themselves.
As I read this, a shiver ran up my spine. This was what my story was all about! Four more months and the first draft of my book was complete. And after numerous revisions, 2065 In the Beginning became available in April, 2011 through Amazon.
Then last summer I found an even more complete description of the changes to come in Lauren Gorgo’s colorful channeled blog, Think with Your Heart.
Sunday August 14, 2011
Wheel of Fortune: The Turning Point
Those who are drawn to work within the blueprint of new earth will be brought together in soul clusters, or pods, to begin the community level organizing that is required to bring the bigger (divine) plan into form. We will be brought into alignment with those who share our particular vision/plan/contribution/aspect of the new earth to begin the next phase where we unite with our soul-community to share our greater visions with the outside world. These creations will be the proverbial Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the intensive global purification process.
Soon after this a friend sent me the link to Jae Sabol’s beautifully designed plans for One Community! Whoo-hooooo!!! A community of like-hearted individuals was already forming, a clearly conceptualized pattern of living and working to support each other aiming for an eco-friendly existence and nearly total self-sufficiency. And the magical “hobbity” houses were even called pods!
I could instantly feel how the meaning of the word pod could expand from the current concept into a future when whole communities would carry that name! I could also feel how One Community and other similar communities ― based on trust and working and learning together ― might one day morph into the well established, largely self-sustaining yet interconnected communities shown in my book, with economies based entirely on sharing and borrowing― with a plan of bartering goods and services with distant pods ― and with each pod having a different educational/experiential thrust.
As Lauren channeled, the global purification process is of course taking place right now in the largest of ways. Anything without integrity is quickly coming up to the surface, exposed in the growing light. Nothing can hide anymore. What divine chaos! And divine it is… every perpetrator of unfairness and debauchery a teacher playing out the extremes of separation to make clear our choices. And as frustration at the widespread misuse of our resources rises, the urge for new ways of living is gaining steam. We are seeing with increasing clarity that big business, big government, big medicine, big religion—all these big machines run for the accumulation of money, not on human kindness. So perhaps the only way to positive change is to take away the incentive. The term “too big to fail” starts to feel ridiculous as we find ourselves living an outdated pattern “too big to succeed.” Think fall of Rome….
After I finished writing 2065 In the Beginning I noticed that every single trigger point in our world today, every label used to incite suspicion and separateness was gone from that future. The world finally made sense.
I feel confident that this day is coming. Regardless of political or religious leaning, people are beginning to feel the urge for not just incremental, but substantial change, and to realize that if you can only trust your friends then perhaps it is time to try different ways of living with your trusted friends.
As I share the ideas in 2065 In the Beginning, people are starting to bring to me stories of self-styled communities, either already formed or in the beginning stages of creation. A few communities, one notably in Tennessee and one in Oregon have been active for many years. While giving a talk at a book store on the Big Island of Hawaii, I heard about a group of circus performer friends who have formed a self-styled community near Hilo. Members regularly go into local schools to teach juggling and other circus skills. My friend David, who lives in Israel, told me of a friend in Spain who bought a big piece of land intending to sell off parts to his friends with the idea of forming a community. I sent David the link to One Community to share with this friend. A local woman without family recently mentioned that she has been having recurrent dreams of forming a community with her closest friends for mutual support in her later years. The idea is emerging everywhere!
In preparation we would each do well to search our souls and do some individual work. For community building is not simply external. It starts with a heart refusing to judge what is happening as wrong, a heart refusing to judge the teachers, sometimes acting as buffoons, sometimes as racists, sexists, extremists or whatever as bad. How difficult it must be for a complete and beautiful soul to come to Earth with the agreement to play the bad penny to expose “the negatory.” These souls willingly sacrificed their integrity and their deepest knowing to give us this chance at change.
Remember also that shouting down others only decreases our own vibration. It lessens our joy and thus diminishes our ability to create a better life for ourselves and in extension a better world. May we gracefully move towards what we want, as we quietly but surely walk away from what we don’t!
With the well conceived plans of Jae Sabol and his friends, One Community Ranch is an inspiring motif for other heart-centered communities of the future, and I’m excited about being part of the process, of helping extend the web of connection between the dreamers and the creators. This is how we will move into the Age of Unity that has long been prophesized, forming connections and surfing the waves of change.
Now take a moment with me to feel into the future. Feel into a world fueled by compassion, a world without fear, without greed and guilt, without lack and without judgment. Feel into the freedom, into the creative flowering, into the joy and completeness this will mean. Sit a minute in this space of clarity and fullness…and watch something old and tired release as you breathe it in.
Feel yourself a part of something monumental. This is the reason we stood in line to be born during these often confusing and amazing times of transition…the I AM coming right here, right now to this little blue world floating in space.
2065 In the Beginning by Krista Markowitz is available through Amazon. For a further discount and a signed copy go to
The Atlantis King: Word Music
We just had to do a blog post on Atlantis King because he is way too entertaining to pass up. When watching this we thought subtitles would really have been nice, so we took some notes and here are the highlights. While you may or may not enjoy his presentation style, we invite you to think what you like about the messenger, but still hear the message.
Here are a few of the things he has to say (for readability we removed the exclamation points that should follow every statement as spoken by him lol): Let’s remember, what do we know? There’s a secret, there’s a plan. What are you doing here? Where are you going? Are you free? Do you value your day? Are you aware that every second you experience, is the cutting edge of your personal life destiny thus placing you at the forefront of time which is a very powerful place? Henry David Thorreau said, “Our inventions are pretty things which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end.”
You simply cannot follow the herd mentality of the weak if we are going to get anything worthwhile done in this short, short life. To strive for the purpose of the left brain objectivity we are subjected to the left brained… slave trade. So everything I say here has to pass through the filter of you. You either feel pros or cons or nothing. You must cultivate different ways of feeling about things in order to get what you want – either instantaneous happiness or long lasting knowledge. So whoever gets the most enjoyment wins, or whoever learns the most in regards to their life destiny also wins.
You do not win if the sum total of your experience here today is the impulse to tell me to put a shirt on. Clothes are for slaves! Once you discover that you are the source of everything you could experience… you begin sounding like Buddha who said, “Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
This isn’t a metaphor or a stress relief technique- it means, do it now and do it always, that the present moment is all that exists, for you to be in a state of rest, that you may find the underlying order in the chaos of the mind. This is connecting with the universal flow- the balance of the world. To be at rest, of the body and mind allows the spirit to ignite. Through order ye shall find the way. The word came from chaos, quell all the chaos of the emotions. “Genius resides in instinct. One acts perfectly only when one acts instinctively”- Neitzsche. Can you feel the pattern evolving here? A mind set which was once a mind habit, they are translating a feeling of being. A vibrational feeling of the divine. Words show us how to feel. Words are music. Instead of the pursuit of life, love and happiness, saying no to whatever they don’t want rather than yes to what they do want.
This realization is in harmony with the spiritual path. Who is realizing that I am thinking these thoughts and why don’t I have any more problems? An acute freedom awareness and bliss washes over the body in the moment of the realization that you are a spiritual being in a physical body having a human experience and more people are remembering every day. I intend to bring this feeling to as many people as possible. ~ The Atlantis King
Permaculture Principles at Work
Permaculture is a design science based on 3 simple ethics: care for the earth, care for people, and share the surplus. Erik Ohlsen from Permaculture Artisans teaches how to permaculture classes through Earth Activist Training (EAT). The goal of permaculture is to create sustainable systems that provide for human needs while regenerating the land around us. In a garden, plants use and deplete many nutrients from the soil. The permaculture solution to this is to grow nutrient rich plants that build and nourish the soil along side the plants that require those nutrients to grow. This approach ingeniously cuts back the need for fertilizers and increases the nutritional value and health of the plants. Permaculture also creates gardens that catch their own rainwater which really helps with forest gardening.
Erik’s garden permaculture designs serve more than just one function in this sustainable system. For example, not only does he plant flowers that look pretty, but they are edible and have medicinal uses as well. Erik also makes sure that his gardens obtain a nice yield. His designs have flowing patterns, diversity, and are always built in conjunction with nature. His holistic approach to gardening creates food forests based on many mutually beneficial plants that not only provide food for humans but also for the birds and bees.
4 core principles that guide us in creating sustainable system abundance:
● Design focused on relationships (freqently used herbs grown closer to house, catch water high in landscape to gravity feed down to rest of garden)
● Biological resources over fossil fuels and chemicals (treating waste water with plants and algae)
● Celebrate diversity (gives us resilience and true abundance)
In this video Erik gives a tour to garden permaculture students showing a garden of pine nutes, hazel nuts, walnuts, asian pear, apples, plums, peaches, nectarines, blueberries, cherry trees, mulberries… all grown together. Also in the garden he shows them chickens and a composting system to complete his how-to permaculture class.
When we see ourselves as part of nature and when we work with nature, nature will work with us. Thank you Erik for being such a leader and an inspiration in the permaculture world.