One Community Welcomes Michael Martin to the Pioneer Team
Economic Botanist, Permaculturist, Curator and Plant Propagator: Michael has an extensive skill set in economic botany and plant uses, plant chemistry, plant propagation, species sourcing, post-harvest processing and plant extraction technology, agricultural, agroforestry, and permacultural principles and practical application, business and market development, composting and mushroom cultivation, combined with a diversity of sustainable living interests. Michael has studied the ethnobotany, phytochemistry, medicinal and industrial uses of many thousands of unusual plant species from around the world including studying botany with Prof. Paul C. Hutchison at UC Berkeley. He was Collections Propagator and Curator at Quail Botanical Gardens for three and a half years, the Curator of the Reference Collection of the American Bamboo Society, and also the owner of the Flying Dragon Ranch, which he redeveloped using permaculture principles. Michael is a current or former member of the Society for Economic Botany, American Bamboo Society, NAFEX, CRFG, RFCA, DELEP, Cactus and Succulent Society, American Society of Pharmacognosy, Seed Savers Exchange, The Cucurbit Society, and the American Herb Society.