Garbage Warrior
Michael Reynolds builds living spaces out of garbage. He takes all of the things that are thrown out locally and turns them into houses. But not only are they houses, they are each unique, beautiful living structures, enviroartistically designed and completely self-sufficient.
These incredible pieces of art, called Earthships are all completely different. Each one is specifically designed for it’s specific climate and situation. And most of it is experimental and experiential, exploring new terrain in sustainable design and awe-inspiring architecture.
All of the Earthships that Reynolds has designed are completely self-sufficient, using techniques that include harnessing the rainwater from the roofs for drinking water and using plants and aquaponics in the design for sewage/septic and food production. Through passive solar, his houses tend to stay a comfortable 70-75 degrees year round despite location using no energy. The Earthships are even designed to be earthquake and tsunami resistant. Reynolds believes that most of his buildings could withstand a 9.0 richter earthquake.
Michael Reynolds also has the humanitarian spirit. After having his architectural license revoked and ordered to stop building by Taos county in New Mexico, his drive grew even stronger. Shortly after a large tsunami in the Indian Ocean hit the Eastern Coast of India,Reynolds and his crew of builders relocated, bringing Earthship ideas and designs with them. He began building houses for the locals there, amidst all the destruction. These beautiful structures popped up like fungus after a fire, being built from the pieces of wreckage. He was paying children in the street one rupee for each bottle they would bring to him. He taught these people how to do this type of building and has continued to do so around the world. Guatamela, Haiti, Sierra Leon and many others have received Michael as an Earthship emissary.
To learn more about Michael Reynolds and his Earthship designs, watch the newly released movie Garbage Warrior.
I watched a program about you and your work and I must say I was very impressed!!! Thanks Michael for helping this world!!!
hi Mivheal. Faboulous and pure genius! I want to build one on my property on vancouver island for my daughter and me. So progressive and cool. lovesandrespectsxoxo rocket73′ ONE LOVE’
These homes built are really fabulous!!!! We all should get one.
Amazes me every day how narrow minded the “establishment” really is. M. Reynolds is pure grass roots reusing discarded materials etc. and seconds my believe that there is no limit to a creative mind. It’s really just a matter of releasing that energy to conquer the challenges and predicaments us humans get into. Not sure what “laws’ he was breaking to get his license revoked but perhaps the people should revoke the Taos County government! Kudos on the work and peace to the world. m doll
Wonderful, watched the movie, it made me smile, cry and then laugh..cry again. You put so much love and energy in there…when i saw your first house i became itchy feet and wanted to move to new mexico…though i never been in the US before! All this paperwork and the laws that are required are beyond my comprehension, you should be able to built on your own land whatever you like. as you don’t want to insure it , it should be everyones responsibility to take care that its well built…love to you. hope all is well with you and the community.
Excellent. Have shared this blog piece on Cosmic Fantasia
Cosmic Fantasia: “Information and meeting hub for an open and awesome world.” Great Site!! Love it!