
One Community is bringing together the forward thinkers and solution focused people of the world to participate, contribute, adapt, and evolve a new way to live that integrates the principles of sustainability with a culture of cooperation and collaboration. The purpose is to demonstrate a more sustainable and fulfilled living model and environment that we […]

Get Involved

One Community is reaching out to the worldwide community of forward thinkers, visionaries, and motivated individuals working towards a better future for the entire human organism. With options ranging from our informative social media networks to full community membership and partnering with other ethosolutions, One Community is […]

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Global Strategy

One Community has a four phase global sustainable community strategy to address the problems of today and prepare for the challenges of the next century by not just creating a model solution, but by implementing a model for creating solutions. There are four phases of creation and as One Community develops through the four phases […]

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What Is It

One Community is a low-impact living model demonstrating large-scale sustainability and fulfilled living as the open source blueprints for a sustainable civilization. Our mission is to demonstrate a new way of living that addresses the pressing problems of today and prepares the world for the challenges of the next century through a duplicable […]

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Warning: Undefined array key "custom_meta_video" in /www/wwwroot/onecommunityranch.org/wp-content/themes/organic_nonprofit/archive.php on line 10

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One Community is a non-profit organization that invests every penny of revenue into growing and duplicating our world changing model, education others in creating their own community, and supporting those interested in starting a new life. One Community also has a non-tax-deductible aspect of the community and right now we are looking for people that […]

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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~