3 Principles of One Community's Success

Principles of Success

World change begins by adopting a community consciousness that recognizes we are One World and One People. From this place of understanding Oneness we make decisions in integrity with the benefit of all people and planet earth, the home we all share, in mind. For One Community we see 4 primary principles as foundational to the success of global community consciousness and successful implementation of our modelcomprehensive sustainability, diversity, open source sharing, and an efficiency model.




earth bulb, One Community, sustainability

The current global community consciousness is not focused on sustainability and the current state of our planet is therefore not sustainable. Self sustainability at One Community includes food, energy, construction, education, recreation, and social architecture and serves three purposes to help move us all forward: demonstration and sharing of ecological and ethical living, benefits of keeping overhead low, and creating a uniquely marketable culture that will help us spread sustainability concepts. Unlike the majority of sustainable communities currently in existence, our primary purpose is to reach out to the world, share everything we are, and invite those interested in a more sustainable future to join us and immerse themselves in a collaborative environment dedicated to demonstrating, evolving, and teaching what is possible so that sustainability and these concepts expand.

Through our comprehensive sustainability approach One Community:

● Demonstrates sustainability as the smart choice for low-overhead business creation
● Distinguishes itself in the marketplace by providing something uniquely comprehensive
● Makes ecological and sustainable living accessible and appealing to the mainstream public
● Expands and advances the field of sustainability by exploring and integrating cutting edge cultural sustainability models with traditional sustainability practices, and leadership in open source sharing


The current global community consciousness is also not focused on embracing diversity, so the current state of our planet is naturally focused on separation, competition, and building walls rather than removing them. One Community recognizes that embracing the diversity of the world is the best way to create global change as we expand upon and go beyond that which we already know. To achieve this, the founding group has built our infrastructure on a diverse team of ideas and talent from around the world, a pledge to diversity and freedom for people to be themselves, a comprehensive and continuous outreach program, and creation of an expanding global consortium through social networking, open source sharing, and collaboration.

Each of these pieces supports the others and helps us to better offer non-profit leadership to the global sustainability movement while opening the doorway to the continuous expansion of the broadest talent pool possible. Our approach to success is not to just “think outside of the box,” but to think outside of as many different boxes as possible.


open source sharing, open your heart, one community

We believe open source sharing is what people are naturally drawn to once feelings of scarcity are removed. It is also a key aspect of the Purpose of One Community, the foundation of our constant contribution to global sustainability and collaboration, and an essential component of our marketing plan. We believe people are beginning to realize the counter productive nature of information control, idea hoarding, and valuing money over the advancement of our species, and we want to demonstrate a better way.

Based on what is currently available by any one source, it will take us less than 6 months with what we are creating, and the team we are building, to become the number one most productive, comprehensive, and useful source of sustainability information in the world. Our community model includes utilization and advancement of all the traditional sustainability approaches (foodenergy, recycling, water conservation, etc.) and further broadens the concept of sustainability to include education, social architecture, consensus governing, recreation, resource economy application, and more; and everything we are creating, and how we have created it, will be shared for FREE with detailed YouTube videos, downloadable PDF instructions, blogging, articles, etc.

Through massive service and assistance we are being the change we wish to see in the world to become the leaders by example of how an empathic civilization relates to the rest of itself. A natural byproduct of this process will be spreading our sustainability message even more by driving more people to our website, attracting more like-minded individuals who wish to join and contribute to the growth and sharing of One Community, and accessing the most specific of target-markets who would be interested in visiting us and helping in other ways if they couldn’t just come and live with us.

Remaining open source is One Community’s commitment to a new paradigm of contribution through a culture of creation, collaboration, and sharing.


efficiency, one community

And lastly, we believe a comprehensive efficiency model improving and evolving models for time-efficiency, resource-efficiency, and space-efficiency is essential to our success and contribution to the advancement of ecological and sustainable living across the complete human experience. From the organization of our work schedules, to the application of a resource based economy and zero-waste living practices, to our ultra-space efficient communal living and food production infrastructure designs, we are prepared to launch and demonstrate a new way of living that will offer a living example of the advantages of our expanded and new paradigm of sustainability.

By thinking in systems with a desire for smart solutions and improvement to everyday challenges that people face across all demographics, we purpose ourselves to create working solutions that make everyone’s lives easier and more abundant while simultaneously saving time, energy, space, and resources. Just some of the areas we are structuring as foundations of this model include:

● Repurposing of all waste materials
● Permaculture and aquaponics food production
● Communal style construction and living structures
● Group organization and completion of all key tasks
● Resource based economy that pools resources and supports sharing versus individual ownership

By building on a model like this we support our environment and illuminate the inefficiency of current models and isolationist mindsets by demonstrating a more cooperative model designed for The Highest Good of All and the benefits this model creates.

"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~