Welcome to the Team

Welcome to the team and thank you for becoming a part of world change with us! Our goal is to support everyone who helps us as much as possible now and into the future through:

Our on-going and comprehensive marketing engine
● Giving consistent credit to you as a Consultant/Partner on each component you are helping with
● Listing you as a consultant on the open source pages specific to any component you are helping with
● Long-term referrals to you for any part of these internationally open sourced and distributed sustainability prototypes and components of the teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities we will be helping people to built around the world

The next step is adding your bio, your company’s bio, or both to our Consultant/Partner Page so we can begin promoting you as we promote the development of the component(s) of the One Community project you are helping us with.


There are a two necessary pieces that we need from you to post your bio:

1.) A one-paragraph description of you and/or your company. Please include your specific title(s), experience and history in the industry, any links to your company website, etc. that you would like included, and a little about what makes you passionate about sustainability and world change. For examples of what others wrote, click here.

2.) Your profile picture. Preferably a picture taken outdoors and without sunglasses. You may also notice that all pictures are right facing but we can flip any picture you send us so the direction you face is not essential. No need to worry about size but it is helpful if you make sure there is enough background for us to size it on our end without needing to stretch it in any direction – bigger is better.

Please send both of these items to one.community@me.com and we will edit, build a web example, and send you a copy for approval before announcing and promoting elsewhere.


World Change People, One Community, global transformation, people changing the worldEveryone working on this project, including the Directors, is an un-paid volunteer and we feel that is something really special. Equally special, in our opinion, is the fact that each person working on this project is doing so because they really want to. We state this here because it is hard to even put into words how thankful we are and we feel it is important to make clear from the beginning that we understand that what you are providing to this project is truly a gift and we know that time availability, circumstances, and life in general could always change in an unexpected way that means you might not be able to continue to help us.

With gratitude from the bottoms of our hearts we thank you for helping us and want you to know that if at any time your contribution to One Community feels like something you cannot or do not wish to continue, all we ask is that you tell us sooner rather than later. More importantly, know that even if things take you in a different direction for any reason we will still always be grateful for whatever level of help you have provided to that point.

Thank you for being a part of world change with us, we could not do this without the help of so many wonderful people and organizations who share a similar vision of what is possible and are willing to help like you are!

Welcome to One Community and THANK YOU AGAIN!

Jae Sabol
Executive Director
One Community

"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~